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【其他科室 主任医师】
















2005年 获教育部科学技术奖一等奖(第六名)

论  著


1. Hu L, Wen JM, Sham JST, Wang WS, Xie D, Tjia WM, Huang JF, Zhang M, Zeng WF, Guan XY. Establishment of cell lines from a primary hepatocellular carcinoma and its metastatis. Caner Genet Cytogenet 2004;148:80-84

2. Hu L, Lau SH, Tzang CH, Wen JM, Wang WS, Xie D, Huang MH, Wang Y, Wu MC, Huang JF, Zeng WF, Sham JST, Yang MS, Guan XY. Association of vimentin overexpression and hepatocellular carcinoma metastasis. Oncogene 2004 Jan 8; 23(1): 298-302

3. Luo B, Sun G, Zhang B, Liang K, Wen J, Fang K. Neuroradiological findings of intracranial schwannomas not arising from the stems of cranial nerves. Brit J Radiol 2004;77:1016-1021

4. Zhang B, Luo B, Zhang Z, Sun G, Wen J. Central neurocytoma: a clinicopathological and neuroradiological study. Neuroradiol 2004;46:888-895

5. Xie D, Zeng WF, Che LH, Zhang M, Wu hx, Lin HL, Wen JM, Lau SH, Hu L, Guan XY. Oncogenic role of clusterin overexpression in multistage colorectal tumorigenesis and progression. World J Gastroenterol 2005;11(21):3285-3289

6. Xie D, Zeng YX, Wang HJ, Tai LS, Wen JM, Tao Y, Ma NF, Hu L, Sham JST, Guan XY. Amplification and overexpression of epidermal growth factor receptor gene in glioblastomas of Chinese patients correlates with patient’s age but not with tumor’s clinicopathological pathway. Acta Neuropathol 2005;110:481-489

7. Lv ZL, Luo DZ, Wen JM. Expression and significance of tumor-related genes in HCC. World J Gastroenterol. 2005; 11(25): 3850-3854.

8. Xie D, Zeng YX, Wang HJ, Wen JM, Tao Y, Sham JST, Guan XY. Expression of cytoplasmic and nuclear Survivin in primary and secondary human glioblastoma. Bri J Cancer 2006;94:108-114

9. Lau SH, Sham JST, Xie D, Tzang CH, Tang D, Ma N, Hu L, Wang Y, Wen JM, Xiao G, Zhang WM, Lau GKK, Yang M, Guan XY. Clusterin plays an important role in hepatocellular carcinoma metastasis. Oncogene 2006;25:1242–1250

10. Lv Z, Zhang M, Bi J, Xu F, Hu S, Wen J. Promoter hypermethylation of a novel gene, ZHX2, in hepatocellular carcinoma. Am J Clin Pathol 2006;125(5):740-746(通讯作者)

11. Xu FP, Xie D, Wen JM, Wu HX, Liu YD, Bi J, Lv ZL, Zeng YX, Guan XY. SRC-3/AIBI protein and gene amplifyication levels in human esophageal squamous cell carcinomas. Cancer Lett 2007;245:69-74

12. Hu S, Zhang M, Lv Z, Bi J, Dong Y, Wen J. Expression of zinc-fingers and homeoboxes 2 in hepatocellular carcinogenesis: a tissue microarray and clinicopathological analysis. Neoplasma 2007;54(3):207-211(通讯作者)

13. Hu L, Sham JST, Xie D, Wen JM, Wang WS, Wang Y, Guan XY. Up-regulation of fibroblast growth factor 3 is associated with tumor metastasis and recurrence in human hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer Lett 2007;252(1):36-42

14. Bi J, Lau SH, Hu L, Rao HL, Liu HB, Zhan WH, Chen G, Wen JM, Wang Q, Li B, Guan XY. Downregulation of ZIP kinase is associated with tumor invasion, metastasis and poor prognosis in gastric cancer. Int J Cancer 2009;124:1587–1593

15. Xiao P, Xue L, Peng JJ, Feng ST, Liao B, Wen JM. An intrasellar mixed gangliocytoma – adenoma including ependymal component, and review of the literature. BMJ Case Reports 2009 (doi: 10.1136/bcr. 11.2008.1200) (通讯作者)

专  著

(1) 主编

1. 李玉林主编全国高等医药教材建设研究会、卫生部规划教材、全国高等学校教材《病理学》第6版,人民卫生出版社,2004年。(参编第三章和第九章)(该书编委)

2. 李甘地主编名校考研真题分析与模拟试题《病理学》,科学技术出版社,2004年。(参编第三章)(该书编委)

3. 薛玲、李扬主编《病理学教学提纲》,科学技术出版社,2005年。(参编神经系统疾病)(该书编委)

4. 陈杰、李甘地主编全国高等医药教材建设研究会、卫生部规划教材、全国高等学校教材7和8年制临床医学专业用《病理学》,人民卫生出版社,2005年(参编第三章和第十七章)(该书编委)

5. 丘鉅世、黄兆民、韩士英主编《骨关节肿瘤学》科学技术文献出版社,2006年。(参编第四章和第五章)(该书副主编)

6. 王连唐主编《病理学考点》科学技术文献出版社,2006年(参编神经系统疾病)(该书编委)

7. 李甘地、来茂德主编全国高等院校临床医学专业卫生部规划教材英文版《病理学案例分析》人民卫生出版社,2007年(该书编委)

8. 翟启辉、周庚寅主编国外经典医学教材《病理学》北京大学医学出版社,2009年(参编第17章)(该书编委)